What is Active School Travel (AST)

Active school travel (AST) is any form of human-powered travel to get to and from school or the bus stop.

This includes…

Using a wheelchair

Why active school travel?

Healthier students. Walking or wheeling to school helps school-aged children reach the goal of 60 minutes per day of moderate to intense physical activity. This is linked with lower body mass index and improved heart health. Physical activity also supports healthy brain development which can lead to better mental health and improved academic performance.

Safer school zones. When fewer children are driven to school, traffic is reduced at bell times. Fewer cars in the school zone helps all students have a safer journey to school!

Healthier communities. Active transportation helps to reduce your climate impact and the harmful effects of air pollution.

Time to connect. While a driver’s focus needs to be on the road, walking or wheeling to school together is a chance to chat and spend quality time.