Preparing Your Child for the Trip to School

Will your child be walking to school this year? Use this checklist to increase your child’s confidence and safety.

When can my child walk alone?

Use this checklist to increase your child’s confidence and safety. (coming soon)

Research often states that children do not have the full cognitive skills developed to cross a street safely until the age of 10. It is important that children can assess the speed of a car, judge safe gaps in traffic, and decide where and when it is safe to cross. If your child lives on a relatively simple route (i.e. less than 1km, connected by sidewalks, with controlled crossings, etc.), they may be able to make the trip alone even before age 10.

However, all children are different, and it is up to parents to decide when their child is ready.

There are two main things to consider when assessing your child’s readiness to walk or wheel alone:

  • The route itself – evaluate the distance, availability of sidewalks, streetlights, safe crossings, traffic volume, etc.
  • Your child’s maturity and readiness – do they demonstrate safe pedestrian/cycling skills? Do they follow direction and know how/when to ask for help?
    • If not, work on these skills together through repeated practice and role-modelling.